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Can I Compost Rhubarb?

(From the Fruit, Garden waste category | 2 comments - join the conversation)

rhubarbYes, you can compost rhubarb – and the leaves if you’ve grown your own.

Rhubarb leaves are poisonous if eaten but after a few months in your compost heap, the toxin level will have dropped so low that it won’t pose a threat.

The leaves and stems can be pretty hefty though – break them up to speed up composting and to avoid them clogging up your compost heap.

In composting terms, rhubarb stems and leaves are a “green” – if you’ve got a lot to add, make sure you balance it out with some “browns” like straw, newspaper or egg cartons.

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  1. Can I put rhubarb leaves around my potato plants that I am growing in our 2 compost bins to keep the weeds down? Thank you. Julie

  2. Thank you for the advice on Rhubarb, I have bagged up 4 bags ( leaves & stalks ) ready to take to the tip, but after your advice it seems I can compost them. Thanks again.

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