Can I Compost Guinea Pig Poo & Bedding?
(From the Pet bedding & other waste category | 1 comment - join the conversation)Yes, you can compost guinea pig droppings & their bedding (assuming their bedding is something like paper, straw or woodshavings).
As vegetarian animals, rabbit poop from healthy guinea pigs does not pose a significant health risk (unlike meat-eating animals like cats and dogs) so it can be added to the compost heap.
Do take care though: do not overload your compost with pure poo – it’ll struggle to break down in a giant pile on its own. Mix it with drier bulking agents like newspaper, leaves or cardboard egg cartons – or with the woodshavings/straw from their bedding.
Droppings from unhealthy animals should not be composted, to avoid potential spread of their illness. For that reason, it is often advised not to compost rabbit droppings from wild animals in case they are ill.
I’ve composted guinea pig Rabbit and Chicken waste with various bedding – cardboard, hemp, hay, wood pellet litter etc. I ‘import’ it from whatever sources I can find.